Why Choose Urgent Ad

  • Sell your items faster
  • Sell at a reduced or negotiable price
  • Perfect for when you’re moving
Adjeem urgent ad

Adjeem the right feature when you need to sell fast

  • Flag your ad with an easy-to-spot red banner
  • Sell your items at a reduced or negotiable price
  • Attract people looking to buy fast

What are Benefits & Tips

  • The red banner makes your ad pop
  • Attract people looking to buy fast
  • Urgent ads get up to 2x more views and responses than regular ads1
  • For best results, add the Urgent & Reduced feature as soon as you post your ads
  • Buyers can filter their search results by Urgent & Reduced to find a deal or the most flexible price

How it works

The Highlighted feature makes your ad pop against a bright red background in the search results for maximum visibility.

The Highlighted feature doesn’t change the position of your ad in the general listings.

The Highlight feature can only be purchased for ads in services, vacation rentals and community categories. But don’t worry! In all other categories, you can use the Urgent & Reduced feature for extra visibility.

The more eyes you draw to your ad, the better your chances of selling.

Thanks to their prominent red colour, Highlighted ads get up to 1.6x more views and responses compared to regular ads.1

Ads will be highlighted for a period of one week after purchasing the feature.

Get Started

Promote my ad

Want more eyes on your ads? Make it happen with Adjeem features! Just log into your account, click on “Promote My Ads,” and choose the feature that’s right for you.

Login / Regiser Multimedia Cars & Vehicles REal Esate FAshion Service Job Search Furnitures Appliances Socity Recent Ads Login / Regiser Multimedia Cars & Vehicles REal Esate FAshion Service Job Search Furnitures Appliances Socity Recent Ads website URL : www.myURL.com

Post a new ad

At Adjeem how can you make sure your new ad performs well? Purchase our Adjeem features right when you post!

Homepage banner

At Adjeem how can you make sure your new ad performs well? Purchase our Adjeem features right when you post!

Promote my ad

Want more eyes on your ads? Make it happen with Adjeem features! Just log into your account, click on “Promote My Ads,” and choose the feature that’s right for you.

Login / Regiser Multimedia Cars & Vehicles REal Esate FAshion Service Job Search Furnitures Appliances Socity Recent Ads Login / Regiser Multimedia Cars & Vehicles REal Esate FAshion Service Job Search Furnitures Appliances Socity Recent Ads website URL : www.myURL.com

Post a new ad

At Adjeem how can you make sure your new ad performs well? Purchase our Adjeem features right when you post!

Homepage banner

At Adjeem how can you make sure your new ad performs well? Purchase our Adjeem features right when you post!

We provide no guarantee regarding the number of views, replies or impressions your ad will actually receive.

(1) Compared to a non-featured ad. Based on the average increase in views/replies (as applicable) across all categories.

(2) Based on the average homepage impressions averaged across all categories.

(3) Based on the average number of views an ad receives in the first three (3) days once being posted, averaged across all categories.

(4) Homepage banner are only for the country you are applying for and are works base on the bit of the user’s interests, you may also post your advert on any country you wish as per the price tariff of the wished country.

(5) Social media marketing, SMS campaign and email campaign tariff are different for each country.