Safety first! In order to protect you from receiving unwanted spam or fraudulent replies, we automatically mask the email addresses of buyers and sellers on non-commercial ads.
You will still receive email copies of your messages and you can reply to buyers from your own mailbox in the normal way.
Business users have a developed relationship with Kijiji which allows us to collect more information about them. As we have established trust with these businesses, your contact email address will appear unmasked as it normally would in any other email. This is to allow businesses to properly qualify their clientele.
When someone replies through email to an ad that is not from a business or posted in the Job category, instead of displaying that person’s actual email address, we simply replace it with a unique Kijiji email address. We’ll also include a brief explanation so that the recipient understands why the email address has been masked.
Replying to the masked email address (as per the format below) will send your replies via Kijiji for your protection.
Here is an example of how we mask an email address. Please note that the sender’s email address has been replaced with a unique, anonymous email address ( or
If you receive an email from Kijiji with a masked email address, simply you can reply back to the person from your personal email mailbox as you normally would. For example, if you have a Hotmail account, click on “reply”. This will show the “mail to” address as the masked Kijiji email address. This email address is unique and will enable us to route your reply directly back to the person who emailed you.
You can include attachments up to 10 MB (approx. 3 pictures) to your reply or even copy other people in your reply, all as you normally would.