The Favourites feature allows you to keep your eye on ads that interest you. You can easily save and compare up to 100 different Kijiji ads at one time.
When browsing through your search results, click the grey heart to the right of the ad’s image. Alternatively, when viewing an ad, you can click the Favourite heart on the left of the ad’s main image to save it. A solid yellow heart indicates that it has been saved to your Favourites. To access saved ads, click the Heart Icon in the site header. Or, click the Navigation Menu button (appears as a person icon, K icon (initial icon), or your profile photo) and access Account Settings. From there, click My Favourites.
You can sign in to your Kijiji account and click on the heart icon in the site’s header. You will be redirected to a list of all your Favourites. You can delete selected ads from the list individually or in bulk, by using the Delete tick box at the top of the list. Conversely, you can click the Navigation Menu button (appears as a person icon, K icon (initial icon), or your profile photo) and access Account Settings. From there, click My Favourites, and delete using the same method as listed above.
The Favourites feature is linked to your Kijiji account and can be accessed from any desktop or mobile device.