To continue Kijiji’s top-quality classifieds experience, we have limits to the number of free ads each household or business can post in the Cars & Vehicles categories. If you need more, you’ll be able to go beyond the limit for a small flat listing fee. No muss, no fuss, more ads!
Listing fees are applied when members of a household or business post more than two vehicles at a time in one of the category groups. When a 3rd ad is created, a listing fee will be requested before it’s posted.
The category groups are:
Group | Categories Included | Ad Limit Per Group |
Passenger Vehicles | Cars & Vehicles | 2 ads |
Classic Cars | ||
Heavy Equipment | Heavy Equipment | 2 ads |
Recreational Vehicles | Boats & Watercraft | 2 ads |
Motorcycles | ||
RVs, Campers & Trailers | ||
ATVs & Snowmobiles |
Note: This limit only relates to live ads. If you have reached the free limit, you will be able to post another free ad after one of the 2 ads is deleted or becomes inactive.
Listing Fees grant your ad a full 31-day period before they will need to be renewed and the listing fee will need to be applied again. If one of your free ads is removed during that time, one of your paid ads may then be reposted for free.
If an above-average number of vehicles are posted, dealer status can also be applied. Dealer status doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a business. Rather, it means that you frequently buy and sell vehicles. Once your account has been marked as a dealer, free ads will no longer be available, but you will gain access to all of our dealer benefits.
Please note:
Looking to post more than 20 vehicle ads per month? Check out our business solutions for dealers.